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Legal Affairs Division

Mr. Han-Dong Hsieh 📞50025 📧z9705004@email.ncku.edu.tw
1. Manage and supervise legal affairs
2. Legal consultation
3. Manage related affairs for the Faculty Grievance Committee
4. Manage the affairs of administrative service ethics
5. Other related affairs
Ms. Yu-Jing Ye 📞50035 📧z11310027@ncku.edu.tw
1. Handle appeals, petitions, and administrative proceedings
2. Provide civil, administrative litigation and legal consulting, and assist as law agent
3. Provide legal consulting for students and faculty involved in criminal proceedings, and assist as counsel
4. Other relative affairs
Ms. Hsin-Yi Lin 📞50051 📧z10809051@email.ncku.edu.tw
1. Handle appeals, petitions, and administrative proceedings
2. Provide civil, administrative litigation and legal consulting, and assist as law agent
3. Provide legal consulting for students and faculty involved in criminal proceedings, and assist as counsel
4. Other relative affairs
Mr. Guan-Chang Chin 📞50034 📧z9710049@email.ncku.edu.tw
1. Contract auditing and reviewing of university-industry collaboration, technology transfer and license, and international academic collaboration
2. Legal consultation
3. Other related affairs
Ms. Ying-Chen Lin 📞50019 📧z11308125@ncku.edu.tw
1. Contract auditing and reviewing of university-industry collaboration, technology transfer and license, and international academic collaboration
2. Legal consultation
3. Handle affairs related to "unlawful infringement in the performance of duties"
4. Other related affairs