

一、中華航空公司企業會員優惠(累計搭乘淨額) China Airlines Corporate Member Benefits (accumulating ticket net value for NCKU)

二、企業會員機票補登記申請表(僅公出者適用) Ticket Retro-Claim Application Form for CRP Members (for business travelers only)

三、曾累計華航搭乘淨額且再次購票者,可免費使用機場貴賓室(數量有限,換完為止) Passengers who had accumulated the ticket net value of China Airlines and purchased tickets again can use the airport VIP lounge for free (limited quantity).

一、中華航空公司企業會員優惠(累計搭乘淨額) China Airlines Corporate Member Benefits (accumulating ticket net value for NCKU)
GALILEO (輸入ENBOX 欄位):---*TW041016---
AMADUES 、APPOLO (輸入FOP 欄位):---*TW041016---
(5)搭乘淨額每年計算兩次,1~6月期間於7月結算,7~12月期間於次年1月結算。若企業會員任一計算區間未滿6個月,該期金額僅自會籍生效日起計算至區間截止日。單一期間累積之搭乘淨額達 TWD 30萬元以上,即可享有積點回饋及獎勵。
(6)企業會員任一期搭乘淨額未達以下標準,會籍將被取消,且不另行通知。*臺灣地區未達TWD20萬元或等值美金,*非臺灣地區未達TWD 10萬元或等值美金。然首次搭乘淨額結算時入會期尚未滿6個月之企業會員,累積搭乘淨額未達上述標準仍可獲得續約。續約後,該計算區間之搭乘淨額須依規定達到上述標準方可再次續約。

As of February 2022, NCKU becomes a corporate member of China Airlines. When purchasing tickets at their official website (or exclusive perks for students), faculty, staff, and students of NCKU may enter the corporate member account number “TW041016” to receive a discount of approximately 2% off for some of the flights (EXAMPLE). To enjoy this discount, you must agree to conform to the following regulations: 
1. Privacy Protection Policy
2. Terms and conditions for the China Airlines Corporate Reward Program (You may switch languages from the upper right corner of the webpage.)
3. Rights and obligations for using the China Airlines Corporate Reward Program: 
(1) When issuing the ticket, please input your corporate member account in the ticket. Failure to do so will result in the inability to accumulate flown revenue, and this cannot be claimed retroactively. 
To enter corporate member account commands: 
ABACUS, TRAVEL SKY, INFINI (input ENBOX column) :///*TW041016///
GALILEO (input ENBOX column):---*TW041016---
AMADUES 、APPOLO (input FOP column):---*TW041016---
(2) Only when you issue and take self-operated international flight of China Airlines 297 and Mandarin Airlines 803 can the flown revenue be accumulated to the corporate account. 
(3) Flown revenue equals to the ticket's net fare in which all travel agency commissions, credit card commissions, taxes and fees for other airlines are deducted. For flown revenue calculation, the following kinds of tickets are excluded: tickets sold at discounts of 50% or more, free ticket, award ticket, child ticket, infant ticket, group ticket, promotional ticket, specified booking class ticket, labor ticket, charter ticket, barter ticket, excess baggage ticket, and airline and travel industry discount tickets.
(4) To verify the accuracy of the data of the flown revenue of the China Airlines Corporate Reward Program (CRP), corporate members should proactively offer relevant document of proof, such as employee badge or name cards. 
(5) Flown revenue is calculated twice a year. That of January to June is calculated in July, and that of July to December is calculated in January of the following year. If any of the calculation duration for the corporate member is less than 6 moths, the amount of that duration is only calculated from the day the membership comes to effect to the end of that duration. When the flown revenue of a single duration reaches NT$300,000, then the corporate member may enjoy points and awards. 
(6) If CRP member does not reach the following flown revenue in any period, the membership will be cancelled without prior notice: * The flown revenue NT$200,000 or equivalent amount in US dollars for the CRP member in Taiwan Area. * The flown revenue NT$100,000 or equivalent amount in US dollars for the CRP member outside of Taiwan. Upon the end date of the first calculation period, if the membership is shorter than 6 months after enrollment, membership can still be renewed if flown revenue accumulated is less than aforementioned  amount. After the renewal, flown revenue accumulated of the period should reach aforementioned  amount for another membership renewal.
(7) If corporate members violate the regulation of Corporate Reward Program or provide false information, China Airlines will terminate the membership and cancel all accumulated ticket net value, points and awards earned or redeemed illegally. China Airlines also reserves the right to take legal action against any violation to the above regulation.  
(8) China Airlines reserves the right to change the contents of this plan.
4. Faculty, staff, and students of NCKU may only enjoy the approximately 2% off discount when purchasing certain tickets. The subsequent flown revenue must all be accumulated into NCKU's corporate membership account. Faculty, staff, and students may not demand individual reward. The reward from the Corporate Reward Program will be prioritized for business use.
5. For regular information and discounts nonexclusive to the CRP members, please visit the website of China Airlines. If you encounter problems when purchasing tickets, please contact China Airlines directly. 
※Kindly note that the English version was translated from Chinese. When the meanings in English and Chinese differ, the Chinese version shall prevail.

二、企業會員機票補登記申請表(僅公出者適用) Ticket Retro-Claim Application Form for CRP Members (for business travelers only)ODTDOC
Please send the form to sakura40@mail.ncku.edu.tw.

Please provide the ticket data for retro-claim within the following period:
Tickets used from January to June must be provided before July 2nd of the same year
Tickets used from July to December must be provided before January 2nd of the following year

三、曾累計華航搭乘淨額且再次購票者,可免費使用機場貴賓室(數量有限,換完為止) Passengers who had accumulated the ticket net value of China Airlines and purchased tickets again can use the airport VIP lounge for free (limited quantity).